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manga guide

Track 1

Volume 1
Track 1

"This wasn't predestined by fate. But even if you cry, even if you hurt, this force of attraction is too powerful to resist. It obeys no logic or reason, yet brings incomparable pleasure. This is the Law of Love."

-- introduction


Enter the Dynamic Duo

Hoping to become legends in their own lifetimes, aspiring music stars Shuichi (vocalist) and Hiroshi (guitarist) have formed their own band, Bad Luck. But they can't even make it into the school festival because Shuichi's electronic keyboard dies, taking all his half-finished songs with it.

Stuck manning a food stall, our intrepid heroes con a couple of schoolgirls into taking over for them, pretending they want to slip away to make out. Shuichi and Hiro proceed to stagecrash the performances, earning them much audience appreciation. On the other hand, Shuichi's sister Maiko, one of the organisers, is highly unimpressed and gives them a royal chewing out.

We just want to be alone...

It's Bad Luck, live on stage!

All together now...!

First encounter: mysterious stranger

This is where it all begins. This is the scene you'll remember.

Shuichi is walking alone in the park at night, reading over the lyrics he has written, wondering if he should take his sister's advice and find himself a girlfriend. He imagines a girlfriend praising and encouraging him: "These lyrics are great, Shuichi! You're so romantic!"

Shuichi's reverie is broken when his lyrics are snatched away by a gust of wind... and picked up by a silent, blond stranger. After reading through it all, the man asks, "Did you write this?" When Shuichi admits to the fact, he is told that his lyrics are awful and he has no talent at all. Stunned, Shuichi can only watch as the stranger walks away. The encounter haunts his mind for days afterward...

That fateful first meeting

This wasn't predestined by fate

Shuichi can't stop thinking about the stranger and what he said. At first he suffers a crisis of confidence; then he becomes angry that a stranger could treat him so callously. Eventually, he realises that he just wants to see that man again. "I can't forget about him... because he was just so cool."

When his chance miraculously arrives, Shuichi thinks nothing of abandoning a disastrous date, running out into the rain, dodging several lanes of traffic, and throwing himself in front of a heavy, expensive car. The car slews sideways, coming to a stop a short distance from Shuichi. The driver's door opens.

"If you want to commit suicide," says the stranger Shuichi met, "go find another car, you idiot."

Stopping traffic


  • Shuichi works a part-time job to support the cost of his music activities.
  • Shuichi's younger sister, Maiko, is on the student council and already has a boyfriend of her own.


"This writing is so bad, even an elementary school kid could do better. And you want to write love songs with this level of ability - are you trying to make life hard for yourself? You have absolutely no talent. Give it up." -- Yuki