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gravi links

There was a time when it was a lonely thing to be a Gravitation fan. I know, having spent over two years searching the net for any scrap of information about the series. The few sites I came across were in Japanese. No one else seemed to have heard of the series. For the hopeful, starry-eyed Gravitation fan, it was a wasteland.

Things are different now. Maybe it's the release of the anime, bringing more fans in. Maybe it's word of mouth, finally reaching a critical mass. Maybe it's all those other lonely Gravitation fans out there, deciding to step forth at last and shout out their devotion. Whatever the reason, sites are springing forth like desert flowers after rain. Almost every one mentions the scarcity of Gravitation sites on the net. And every single one is determined to do something about it.

Each site adds something to the growing wave of Gravitation fandom. Translations, fansubs, stories - everything a fan could hope for is coming true. It's an exciting time to discover - or rediscover - a love for Gravitation.

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General Information

Nittle Grasper X
This is the hub for Gravitation fans. Nittle Grasper X is chock full of info, scans and other goodies, but what I like best about this site are the excellent manga translations. They not only do a great job of conveying the flavour of the series, but the style of language they use has a natural feel to it, so that sometimes you can forget the characters weren't originally thinking in English.

omitchi's Gravitation Galleries
Descriptions and scans of various Gravitation media, arranged into galleries. Covers the manga, artbooks, music and doujinshi (which happen to be a lot more explicit than the manga...).


Ochiba Anime: The World of Gravitation
This is a very nice introduction to the series, with background on the OVA and TV series. Best of all, there are downloadable TV episodes. ^_^

Fan Fiction

It says a lot that there's now an individual category for Gravitation stories at FanFiction.Net. A small but growing collection.

Eidolon Tree
This site has some of the best Gravitation fanfic I've read. If you like your fics intense and absorbing and beautifully characterised, then this is the place to go.

Anti Nostalgic
A Gravitation fic archive with an excellent selection of handpicked stories.

Non-English Sites

Gravitation Official Home Page (Japanese)
Sony's official Gravitation website. Covers the manga, anime, soundtracks and drama CDs, plus other extras.

Shoujo Manga Outline *Gravitation* (Italian)
Character info, manga summaries, and an image gallery.
