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Colour Gallery

These are colour images of Gravitation manga artwork. Most of them have been scanned from the Gravitation Fan Books I and II. Click on each image for the full-size version.

Shuichi and Yuki

Casual Shuichi and Yuki.


The many faces of Shuichi.

Shuichi and Yuki

Dressy Shuichi and Yuki.

Shuichi and Yuki

Even more...

Shuichi and Yuki

Shuichi and...

Shuichi and Yuki



What would Gravitation be without its insane supporting characters?

Bad Luck

Bad Luck, including the wonderful Hiro-kun!

Bad Luck

Interesting how much this picture of Bad Luck looks like the Nittle-Grasper one...

Shuichi and Yuki

Maki Murakami's art style takes a radical turn halfway through the story.

Yuki and Hiroshi

Yuki, very typically, smoking. Hiro, very typically, playing with his hair.

Shuichi and friend
