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character profiles

Portrait of YuziYuzi NAKANO

Volume 2 Track 6

Age: 25
Birthday: 5 May
Star sign: Taurus
Blood type: A
Height: 177 cm

Yuzi is Hiroshi's older brother and the black sheep of the family.
He disappointed his parents when he decided not to go to university, choosing instead to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. This put pressure on Hiroshi to be the one to fulfil his parents' ambitions.

Yuzi shares Hiroshi's happy-go-lucky approach to life and is even more laid back than his brother. As an aspiring actor, Yuzi gets a lot of knockbacks, but he refuses to let rejection faze him. His philosophy is that it's better to be happy striving to fulfil your dreams than to settle for a safe and boring life.

When Hiroshi is torn between going to university to study medicine, as his parents wish, and pursuing a career in music with Bad Luck, Yuzi provides him with encouragement and tells him not to give up on what makes him happy. Although we see little of Yuzi himself in the series, it's apparent that he has been an influence in Hiroshi's life.