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character profiles

Portrait of MaikoMaiko SHINDO

Volume 1 Track 1


Shuichi's long-suffering sister. She may be younger than him, but she sees it as her responsibility to look out for her hopeless brother and his equally irresponsible best friend. Practical and forthright, she prods Shuichi along when he falters, cheers him on when he succeeds, tells him off when he's being an idiot, and even has time to make him lunch every day. Ultimately, however, she tells Shuichi that he really should get a girlfriend to provide him with the support and inspiration he needs.

Maiko is a member of the student council and is involved in the organisation of school activities. She also has a steady boyfriend, whom Shuichi accuses of being too dull and studious.

Maiko is a huge fan of Eiri Yuki's romance novels. She is thrilled to learn that Shuichi has met the man himself, and she and Hiroshi are relentless in teasing out an admission of Shuichi's true feelings towards him. The interaction between this little trio provides some sparkling moments early on in the series. Sadly, we see little of Maiko once Shuichi stops attending school and moves out of home.